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Facebook Rules

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Facebook Rules

I’m setting some firm ground rules now, for this post as well as the potential for future posts. At no point in time am I asking for direct messages, your perspective, perception, feedback, or general guidance to this post or those in the future.

Toss up a like or one of the emotion responses if you want, but I’m going to be real quick with deleting opinions and comments that aren’t helpful or break the aforementioned rules. I’ve already disabled Facebook messenger, so please do not attempt to message me privately on there, regardless of our history. Do not text me, that also is unwarranted. This isn’t a personal jab at any one person, if you take it that way, you’re making it about yourself when you shouldn’t be.

Mental health and self care have become paramount for me. Sometimes when people post on Facebook, it isn’t necessary to provide your input into another person’s life. In 2019, people need to understand that this is a tool meant to stay in touch/up to date on people’s lives, it doesn’t mean you’re required to share feedback. Be thankful for the opportunity to at least see the news being shared.

Listen to understand, not respond. (Unless specifically asked to do so.)

With all of that being said, wish me luck over the next few days/weeks.

That’s all.